Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Organizing Solutions for the Disorganized Entrepreneur

After more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and a consultant to entrepreneurs, I am convinced that for many entrepreneurs, "organized" is an enigma. "Organized entrepreneur" may even be an oxymoron, because the very strength that makes great entrepreneurs makes for poor organizing - at least organizing as most of the world defines it.

For the majority of my career I called myself an organizing consultant. The most frustrating aspect of that role was defending myself against people's pre-conceived notions about the word "organized" - particularly as it related to me. They imagined me having "one piece of paper on the desk at a time". And as someone who lived and worked in a methodical (boring?) manner. They assumed I could not even imagine experiencing the chaos of feeling totally overwhelmed by my surroundings. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

I had the good fortune to grow up in a very organized household. Four of us shared the top floor of a 2-story farmhouse - with the bathroom downstairs where my father's parents lived. As soon as I went to school, my mother went to work full-time. In addition, she handled the normal activities of a farmwife, such as gardening and canning and was very active in the community as well. Being responsible for taking care of my own physical environment was an unspoken expectation - and was role-modeled by my parents. I have no memories of panic situations, such as frantically looking for car keys or lost pieces of paper. Although the house frequently looked cluttered, it could be quickly corrected, because everything had a place.

My first husband was not only organized, but fastidious. We used to joke that we made a great team because I could make a mess faster than anyone he knew, but he enjoyed cleaning it up. His profession was one that involved very long term projects, so cleaning up the kitchen was something he enjoyed because he could see immediate results.

After we adopted three children, I began to spend time with other mothers listening to horror stories about their struggles with organizing. Prior to that event, I had not given much thought to how I organized my life. As I sat on a playground in New York City, I would hear comments such as "We haven't eaten on the dining room table in months because it's covered with papers," or "We had to file an extension on our income tax again this year." At that time I was looking for a way to make extra money for our household and I had read that many successful businesses resulted from entrepreneurs listening to what other people were complaining about. Thinking about my own experiences, I realized that I had a history of helping other people take control of their environment. During one summer vacation, I helped my aunt, a mother of five, organize her kitchen and closets. In high school I organized a music library. As an au pair in college I developed a recipe retrieval system for my boss, a gourmet chef. I even created a filing system while I was a volunteer for a non- profit agency in the West Indies.

I soon realized that helping other people to organize their environment also improved their lives. And for myself, it was quite therapeutic as well. As someone who had frequent bouts of depression, one of my techniques for coping was taking control of my surroundings. When my mind began to feel totally overwhelmed, I found comfort in controlling my environment - especially getting rid of whatever I possible could, so there was less I had to control.

As I became interested in creating a career as an organizing consultant, I began paying attention to how I organized. I read articles on managing time and space to compare how other people did it. Often I became frustrated that I was unable to act in the routine ways that "organized" people described. Funny things like getting dressed in the morning frustrated me. I observed that I didn't have a routine, and as much as I tried to develop one - after all, that's what "organized" people did, I failed. Sometimes I fixed my hair first, and then put on make-up, frequently stopping to do something in the kitchen before I finished. I found little time to "straighten up" before taking the kids to school and often folded clothes in the middle of the night. Nonetheless, I seemed to get lots of things accomplished (though never as many as I wanted to!), and other people often asked me how I did it.

After I declared myself "an organizing consultant," I was determined to become the role model for organized living. One attempt stands out clearly in my mind. It seemed to me than an "organized" person would have a menu plan. So with great diligence I would get out my cookbooks over the weekend, plan the menus for the following week, and purchase the ingredients. I soon discovered this plan was a horror to me. The menu said that Wednesday was spaghetti night - but I just wasn't in the mood, so I took the leftover vegetables, a few scraps of chicken, and made stir-fry instead. I finally concluded that organized cooking for me meant three things:

(1) always having plenty of staples on hand,

(2) buying a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables once a week, and

(3) preparing a meal depending on my feelings that day.

Although my career as an organizing consultant started by organizing homes, soon clients asked me to help them in their office. I was terrified at the thought. How would I know what to do in a business? I was trained as a musician! But I agreed to try, and soon discovered that many of the techniques that served me well in the home setting worked equally well in business. The first step was always getting rid of the unnecessary. Ask any 100 employees if they know there are things in their office they don't need, and 99 of them would say "Yes!" But how many people go to work and say, "Well, I don't have anything better to do, I think I'll clean out my files today." In fact, if they do, they may well be confronted by a colleague complaining, "What are you doing that for? We have to finish that new proposal!"

Research shows that the average worker spends 150 hours per year looking for misplaced information, and 80% of what most office workers keep is never used. My being there as a "consultant" gave people permission to take the time not only to eliminate what they didn't need, but to discover what they had that might be useful to other people in the organization. We then created systems in storage closets and filing rooms that allowed people to access each others information. Often it eliminated the purchase of supplies and materials which already existed. Plus it helped erase time lost reinventing what another employee had already created.

I've always been intrigued by God's sense of humor. I am now married to a man for whom organizing is a mystery and he is totally disinterested in changing that. He'd simply rather have someone else do it for him! Talk about a challenging relationship. Now I not only have to cope with my own organizing struggles, but someone else's as well. This, however, has facilitated my career, because one of the most common questions I am asked is "What if the problem is my colleague or spouse?"

One of the things I've learned is that there is a big difference between inclination and motivation. If I am motivated to do something, I can. If it is not something at which I am innately skilled, it will take me longer than it does someone else, but it is possible - and the results are very satisfying. On the other hand, it is impossible to convince someone else that they should be organized - or anything else for that matter - if they don't see the need. I am blessed with a husband who is the most supportive person I know. He never complains about my outrageous and often hair-brained ideas! Without his support, I would never have been able to grow Hemphill Productivity Institute into a team of nearly 60 people committed to helping entrepreneurs take their innate skills to the marketplace. One of the principles of survival in business for a disorganized person is to surround yourself with people who have skills complimentary to your own. I would have burned out years ago had I not found strategic assistants who are brilliant at cleaning up the messes I create.

I have always been, and continue to be, frustrated with my own lack of inherent time management skills. The idea of making and prioritizing a list continues to be a challenge for me. For one thing, I always interrupt myself before I complete the list. Deciding whether something is an A, B, or C priority is a complete impossibility for me - though goodness knows I've tried! But I have finally made peace with myself (most of the time, anyway) by continually making lists. One of the principles I teach clients is "Half of any job is having the right tool." When it comes to time management - I must capture a "to do" when I think of it. That means carrying a tape recorder in the car, a phone call to my self when I can't write my idea down and large blank pieces of paper with me when I'm sitting on an airplane.

The secret of time management for me is to categorize all those "to do's" from various places, and then organize them according to when and how I could do them. For example, "mail a birthday card to John" goes on my calendar, because it has to be done on a specific day, "buy new stapler" goes on an "Errands List" and "check out" goes in "On-Line To Do's." Often I discover I don't have the "Errands List" with me when I decide to run errands, but it's amazing how the very act of writing it down helps to create a list in my memory. It's not a perfect system, but it works most of the time - and I've been known to call my office from the supply store to ask my assistant to check my list!

I may always be frustrated by my plight to improve my own organizing skills. But the good news is that I get better and better everyday. In the meantime, I am totally capable of helping clients who feel they are hopelessly disorganized take control of their lives and their businesses. From my perspective, organizing is an art, not a science. It's not forcing our clients into any pre-conceived notion of "organized," but helping them to develop systems and techniques, and to choose the right tools that will enable them to be the best entrepreneur they can be. Three questions we ask repeatedly: Does it work? Do you like it? Does it work for others? If the answer to any of those is "No," we have to go back and refine the systems, tools, and techniques we have designed. Organizing is a journey, not a destination. It cannot be installed; it has to be nurtured. Your entrepreneurial success will be judged by your results - not your organization skills. But improving your organizing skills will probably increase your chances of success, and will undoubtedly make your journey a lot smoother!

By Barbara Hemphill

10 Tips to Get Organized and Clutter-Free- Now!

1. THE LOVE IT OR LOSE IT PRINCIPLE: Every item around you represents a choice you made. You either went out or selected it; or it came to you, and you accepted it. Look at that item now with fresh eyes. If you do not know that item to be useful, believe it to be beautiful, or love it for personal reasons, it's time to get rid of it. In other words, LOVE IT OR LOSE IT. Love what nourishes your dreams and directions, lose what drains or distracts you. Call this process your "Clutter Campaign".

2. DESIGN your vision of how you want to live and work. What is your ideal environment? Look at where you are now and document your current condition (yes, this means writing it down). Create a clutter campaign workbook. Then write down where you want to be and what budget and time frame you are working in.

3. ELIMINATE your excuses that undermine that vision. Take the time to list the excuses. How do you feel when you are clutter-free? Decide what natural talents and skills will help you get organized - and get assistance for the areas that are difficult for you. What are others doing that is helpful to you?

4. COMMIT your time to take positive action. Think about how much time you spend now looking for things. Then think about how much time getting organized will take - especially if you break projects into bite sized pieces. Now mark the calendar - when are you getting started?

5. SELECT your tools to match your personal organizing style. Think about what you need every day, and arrange these items in a system that works for you. Make sure the tools are in working order and utilize technology to your advantage. Ask yourself this about any item in your life: Is it useful? Is it beautiful? Do you love it?

6. MAINTAIN your success and keep the process flowing, revel in your success. Notice new habits you have developed and what is making it easy for you to maintain those habits. Making organizing and de-cluttering a regular part of your day. Reevaluate the systems you created on a continual basis - make sure they work for you!

7. Create A Support Group. Some people like to do the Clutter Campaign on their own. Others prefer to work as part of a group who share support and encouragement and also hold themselves accountable for staying on focus. Working with friends can even add some fun to the process. If you decide to work as part of a team, remember the four things most successful groups have in common a. A structure that keeps them focused on their goals b. They hold themselves accountable for the promises they make c. They support one another d. They celebrate their successes

8. Practice the Art of Wastebasketry?. As yourself these questions about everything you own, and based on the answer, decide whether or not to keep it.

a. Does it require action?
b. Does it exist in another place or form?
c. Is it recent enough to be useful?
d. Can I identify a specific use for it?
e. Would it be difficult to obtain again?
f. Does it have tax or legal implications?
g. Does anyone else need it?

9. Maintain a Master Project List. List all the projects you are working on, and create a file, folder or holding space for information on each project.

10. The most important question: What is the worst possible thing that would happen if I don't get organized and/or start a clutter campaign in my life? Creative minds always have more ideas than the physical body can carry out - give yourself a break and permission to get rid of those items and projects that do not meet your life goals.

Let us know how your clutter campaign is going - we would love to hear from you. Happy organizing!

By Barbara Hemphill

Escaping The Clutter Trap? - 5 Steps For Increasing Productivity And Decreasing Stress

? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the "stuff" in your life? Magazines and journals you've never finished reading, clothes you never wear, e-mail you haven't responded to, or photographs you intended to share with friends or colleagues? ? Are you embarrassed to invite people to your home or office because they will see the way you live or work? Do you rush around when someone's coming to hide the evidence?

? Is clutter putting a strain on a relationship that's important to you? Do you argue with your spouse about what to keep, or spend time reassuring your colleagues that you know what everything is?

? Do you waste time looking for things you really need - documents you already created, or the keys or receipt you had in your hand five minutes ago?

? Is your home or office just too crowded? Does clutter take valuable space and leave you feeling overwhelmed? If you answered "Yes" to any two or more of these questions, you are caught in The Clutter Trap - a state of cumulative disorder which diminishes your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or financial health. There are more than a few people reading this article right now who are feeling distressed by the clutter in their lives. There are more than a few whose relationships are drained by arguments about clutter. There are more than a few who would panic at a letter from the IRS announcing an audit. "But wait," you may be saying.

? "Isn't clutter the inevitable condition of living in a complex world with never enough time, never enough space. Always too much to be responsible for?"

? Or maybe you're saying, "I'm creative, and creative people are just naturally messy."

? Or "I've got more important things to do than worry about clutter."

Here's the truth! Clutter is NOT inevitable. It is NOT synonymous with creativity. It is NOT a precondition to life on earth in this time. You arrived on earth without clutter and you will certainly leave without clutter. The question is how you live in between!

Let's put it another way: To know if you are organized, ask three questions:

1. Does it work?
2. Do you like it?
3. Does it work for others?

Most people answer "Yes" to the first question, hesitate on the second, and will admit the answer to the third is "No," - but rationalize by saying it doesn't really make any difference. But does it? What will be the results if something happens to you, or to one of the people in your organization? In reality clutter, and the resulting inability to find the right information at the right time, can, and often does, have a negative impact on everyone who lives or work in that environment.

Our mission is to assist individuals, families, and organizations to create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. What is a "Productive Environment?" Think of this way: It's an environment in which everything supports who you are or who you want to be. The more clutter, the less likely you, or the people around you, will be able to find what they need effortlessly. We've developed a program called The Productivity QuickStart? which guarantees a ten percent increase in productivity, based on the premise that your ability to accomplish any task or goal is directly related to ability to find the right thing at the right time.

During the past 25 years, we've distilled a five-step process you can use to create and sustain a productive environment which we call The Productive Environment Solution?:

1. Design your vision.
2. Eliminate your excuses.
3. Commit your time.
4. Select your tools.
5. Maintain your success.

Notice the common word in those five steps? "Your!" The key to escaping the clutter trap and creating a productive environment is linked to discovering and implementing what works for YOU - not what worked for your mother, or what your colleague thinks you should do. In other words, "organizing is an art!" Design your vision

Have you ever noticed how much you seem not to notice about your everyday environment? Look around your office and you're likely to "see" many things that have become invisible to you on a daily basis because you trained yourself not to look at them.

Clutter is postponed decisions®. The first step to creating a productive environment is to decide what you need to foster your best and highest experience. It is impossible to even define our own clutter if we do not hold a clear picture of who we are, or what we are about.

A photographer had on-going dreams about living in a white tower with glass windows, while her real home was buried in clutter accumulated over 30+ years. When we focused on her love of the arts, letting go of the unsightly clutter became less painful, and even freeing.

Eliminate your excuses

Banish all temptation to blame the condition of your surroundings on circumstances or people around you. "I don't have enough space" often proves to be inaccurate after one of our office clean-out days. Choose to work with what you've got.

A book agent discussing the idea of a book on the subject of clutter commented, "Some of us are just slobs." Only if you want to be. Creating a pleasing and productive environment requires a process. If you honor the process, you will succeed. While it's impossible to force someone else to eliminate clutter, we've never met anyone who couldn't get rid of their own.

Commit your time

Recognize that the time you invest in creating and sustaining a productive environment will pay returns every single day of your life in your personal and professional life.

One association executive recalls arriving at work every day for five years chastising himself because there was no room in his office to hold a meeting. Finally, in desperation, he hired an organizing consultant to help. In six hours, the boxes he'd paid to move to three different offices were replaced with a small conference table.

"How long is this going to take and how much is it going to cost?" is the first question asked by potential clients. The answer: "The longer you wait, the longer it's going to take and the more it's going to cost."

Select your tools

Find the perfect equipment to match your style of operating and arrange it efficiently and aesthetically. Barbara's father often told her "half of any job is having the right tool." Of course, he really meant, "using the right tools." Many people, for example, fail to invest the time or get the training to use the organizing tools that already exist on every computer.

One client had Post-it® notes stuck all over her office to remind her of places to go and things to do. She swore that she could never use a calendar. "I just hate those ruled lines and the thought that every hour of every day needs to be so structured." We found a unique calendar with a red leather cover and lots of open space on the pages. Within three weeks she called to say she didn't know how she had gotten along without it. "It doesn't control me - I control it!" She'll never convert to a Palm Pilot, but she finally found the tool she could love. What you love, you will use. What you use, streamlines your life and work.

Maintain your success

A major excuse for not getting organized is "It never lasts anyway!" Here's good news. Once you accomplish the first four steps, maintaining your success is not difficult.

Remember those three questions earlier in this article? Does it work? Does you like it? Does it work for everyone? This ever- changing world requires asking those questions frequently. If the answer is "No," it doesn't mean what you did in the past was wrong. The situation has just changed. This five-step process is most powerful when it becomes a way of life.

Do you have difficulty getting rid of clutter? How much of your clutter is there because "It might be useful someday.!" Several years ago, a colleague made a statement that influenced our work today significantly: "Sometimes overresponsibility becomes irresponsibility." How much could that unused furniture or equipment benefit a nearby school or a community service group? What about that cane from your broken ankle eight years ago? What about that flute nobody has played for thirty years? It's much easier to let go of something when you know someone else will benefit.

How often we hear "But my real problem is other people's clutter! How do I change them?" One client complained, "At work people give me stuff I have to keep. I don't have a choice, and at home, other people's stuff drives me crazy."

The shortest path to frustration and failure is trying to change other people. Your most powerful path to sustained success is to start with yourself, and let those around you be affected by observing your increasing calm, focus, and productivity. If all your tactics of the past have failed, perhaps it's time to try a new approach. Tell yourself a new story about the amazing level of power and control you have over one person in the universe - you. Say to yourself "I don't allow anything to rob me of my freedom to create the results I want in my life." In other words, change what you can (you). Accept what you cannot change (everyone else), and waste no energy fighting the difference. Through the years, we have discovered an interesting phenomenon. Emotional loss, such as the death of someone close, loss of a dream, or frequent loss of physical belongings, can often impact people's desire to hold onto physical things. One woman who had been fighting with her husband over his clutter for years got dramatic results when she told him, "You know, I never really understood how much you want to keep all this stuff. Let's figure out how we can keep it." She came a few days later to find the garage filled with boxes he was donating to a local thrift store.

Very few people are truly impervious to their environment. Most of us just pretend we are. We make promises to take care of the clutter later. In the meantime, we walk around as incomplete, diminished versions of the fully resourceful, fully generous people we could be. The world needs the best you have to give and if your best is smothered in clutter, we all lose. It's a great campaign. We're all in it together. Good luck.

By Barbara Hemphill

The Magnificent 7: Tips for Cleaning Up Clutter

Clutter is postponed decisions®. Here are some suggestions to simplify the task of controlling clutter:

1. Put all like items together. Put items in their largest category first, and then break them down by steps as necessary. For example: (1)Put all clothing together. (2) Then break into women's clothing and children's clothing. (3) Then break women's clothing into seasons.

2. Create your own "organizing store." Determine a specific place to store any organizing items you find as you sort that might be useful in the future. This could include boxes, hangers, hooks, shelves, bags, organizing equipment, etc.

3. Determine the best location for each category. Where will they be used? What location would be the most practical place to have these items. For example, if items need to be secure, choose a location that can be locked or a lock could easily be added.

4. Choose an appropriate container. Select one that will hold the largest amount of each particular item you expect to have at one time - or, put some of the item in a convenient place, with additional supplies in some less accessible space. For example, some paper could be under the copier with extra paper in a nearby closet.

5. Make containers easy to use. If you want to encourage people to put things away, remove lids whenever possible. For example, a container for videos which requires taking the container off the shelf to remove the lid will probably result in people putting the videos on top of the container!

6. Labels contents. Label the outside of all containers/shelves/cupboards clearly. This will vastly improve the chances of items being returned to their correct location!

7. Identify a specific purpose for every container/location. Unidentified containers/shelves/boxes quickly become catch-alls for postponed decisions.

By Barbara Hemphill

The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Your Kids Rooms

1. In terms of organization, what is the first thing a parent should do before decorating a kid's room?

Get rid of the clutter! Because we are such a materialistic, marketing, socializing-driven society, kids are bombarded and often overwhelmed with "stuff" - much of which they don't even like and will never use.

2. What is the biggest organizational challenge with children's rooms?

Finding ways to make it easy for kids to maintain organization - this means getting them involved in the process and using tools like baskets without lids, hooks instead of tools racks, etc.

3. Why is organization so important in a kid's bedroom?

Studies show that children who live in an organized environment (especially those who have learning disabilities, ADD, etc.) function better.

4. Are your organizational tips different for different age groups? If so, could you offer a few?


At this age, you can teach children organization without them even knowing it. For example, using color coded containers to sort toys.


This is a great age to begin teaching paper management. Purchase a desktop holder for hanging files - create a folder for special interests such as "Soccer", "Cartoons," "Haircut Ideas" "Gift Ideas" etc.


The older they are, the tougher it gets - because they begin to want to assert their independence! The answer lies in "What will they do?" When my son turned 16, I finally closed the bedroom door, and said, "If it doesn't crawl out or smell, I won't complain! I'm tired of teaching, bribing, nagging, etc."

One of my clients hired me to organize her 15-year-old's room. It was a gorgeous room, but not at all to the daughter's liking. We took out the clothes bar, and filled the closet with colorful stacked baskets. When we were done, she invited her basketball team to come and see!

5. What are the must-have items in every kid's bedroom?

Specific places for specific items of clothing (e.g., this drawer is for sox or this box is for memorabilia), An easy place to put dirty clothes.

6. Can children be taught to be organized, and if so, how does a parent make this happen?

One of the best ways is to be a good role model. Often when parents says to a child, "Clean up your room!" the child doesn't have to look far to see other people's messes - some of which have been around for a long time!

However, as the mother of five, who are now grown and living responsible lives, I learned that although I taught them how to be organized, it didn't mean I would see the results until AFTER they moved out of the house!

We use a 5-Step Process to help our clients organize all aspects of their personal and professional lives - this process applies to organizing a kid's bedroom as well:

1. Design your vision
2. Eliminate your excuses
3. Commit your time
4. Select your tools
5. Maintain your success.

Notice that the common word in all of the steps is "your" - organizing is an art!

By Barbara Hemphill

Secrets to Eliminating Emotional Clutter

Are you plagued by clutter in your personal or professional life? Is there someone in your family or your work who is? Based on my experience, the answer is probably "Yes!"

As a professional organizing consultant for more than 20 years, I have discovered that eight out of ten people are bogged down in life with physical clutter somewhere in their lives. Ironically, most of them suffer in silence. In many cases, you would never know it just by seeing them, or even working with them, because they are frequently some of the smartest and most successful people in the world. In far more cases than most people believe, the clutter actually drives them to do or not to do the very things they want most or want not to do. In some cases, it causes emotional paralysis, even mental illness. The only thing stronger that their desire to get of the clutter is their desire to hang on to it, and a vicious cycle results.

My consulting business has been built on the concept "Clutter is Postponed Decisions®." In the beginning, I was referring to the physical clutter that plagues so many people in our increasingly materialist society. When I began to explore this issue, it became evident that the physical clutter was an outgrowth of another kind of clutter: emotional clutter - internal beliefs that control our behavior and our results.

If I just get organized, I will be able to do it all. I, or someone else I know, might need it someday If I keep it long enough, I can justify the fact that I bought it. I can't get rid of it because someone else gave it to me.

You can keep everything you want if you are willing to pay the price: time, space, money, and energy.

It suddenly occurred to me that decision-making about our emotional environment is just as important as decision-making about our physical environment. Deciding what thoughts to keep determine whether we just "keep on keeping on" or learn from our experiences, move on to even better things, and help others to learn by our example.

I once interviewed an extremely talented and prolific painter in her home studio. It was filled with beautiful paintings. "Do you ever like something you create so much that you can't let go of it," I asked. "On, no," she immediately responded. "I have to. Otherwise nothing new would come."

By Barbara Hemphill

Get Organized - Stay Organized

My mother is one of the most productive people I know. She is 78 years old and still works full-time as the personal assistant to the CEO of a bank. (I come from great genes-it makes me very optimistic about my long-term future!) One of her secrets to productivity is what is often called "a tickler file." It used to be a popular organizational tool but eventually fell by the wayside. The tickler file is a reminder system based on the days of the month and months of the year. It simply consists of two sets of file folders: "1-31" and "January-December." It's time to bring that old system back.

Surveys show that people's stress levels are at an all-time high. A major source of that stress is information overload. Information arrives in five ways: on paper, electronically, via voice mail, through verbal messages, and as thoughts in your head.

Think of a 5-lane freeway. You are speeding down the highway when suddenly you see orange barrels-you know you're in for trouble. That's exactly what happens when you sit down at your desk and are overwhelmed with where to begin. Do you start with the e- mail? Most people do, but should you? The highest priority could be in the "In Box" you haven't looked at in days-or could it be the idea you had while taking a shower? You've got information overload and you need a way to cope with it.

Managing Information To conquer a stack of papers-permission slips, newsletters, report cards, bills, and articles to read-employ these five productive steps.

? Discard. I've spent lots of time promoting the power of throwing things away. Ask yourself, "What's the worst possible thing that would happen if I didn't have that or didn't do this?"
? Delegate. If you are not delegating some of your work, why not? The most productive people in the world are those who spend 80% of their time doing what only they can do and surrounding themselves with people whose talents are complementary to theirs.
? Do it now. Ask yourself, "Is taking care of this the best use of my time right now?"
? File for reference. These are things you want or need to keep for future reference. Develop or use a good filing system (like Taming the Paper Tiger, information below), so you can find items easily and quickly.
? File for follow-up. These are things you want or need to do. In the Paper Tiger software system, we place these items in Action Files so you can find them when it's time to take act on them. The task won't be forgotten because the Paper Tiger can print weekly reminders or you can put a simple note in the tickler file.

The Important Question No matter how information arrives, your first reaction is probably, "I have to take care of this now." If you are serious about increasing your productivity and prioritizing your work, the question you have to answer is, "When?" As scary as it is sometimes, you have to decide. When you determine what date to take action, put the reminder in your tickler file system. Now you have a tool that enables you to prioritize your work and to measure whether the interruption of the moment is more important than what you said you were going to do today.

When people hear about this system, their first reaction is often fear-fear of making mistakes, fear of taking on another task, fear of failure. But remember that old saying, "If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting!" After trying the tickler file system for the first time, one client said, "Instant peace of mind!" Are you ready for something old and better?

By Barbara Hemphill

The Love It Or Lose It Principle: One Simple Key to Living Clutter-Free Forever

It wasn't long ago that you spent an entire weekend "decluttering" - and now you are expecting guests in two days, and the guestroom is full of "stuff" again!

According to a study by the U.S. Department of Energy, 25% of people with two-car garages didn't park any cars in them and 32% parked only one. When it came to three-car garages, only 13% parked three cars. You probably don't have to think very hard to figure out that most of them are filled with clutter instead of cars! If you're looking for a solution to "clutter comeback" that is simple and sustainable, you're not alone!

Are you expecting fifteen people coming to a family dinner this weekend, or you are in a long-term project of preparing to sell your house for retirement? Are you desperate for immediate results, or patiently recognize that you are wrestling with more complex issues? In any case, there's a bedrock principle that has helped thousands of people and may help you too. This principle can help you triumph over the clutter in your home, your workplace, or your heart: Love It or Lose It!

Think of it this way. Every item around you represents a choice you made. You either consciously selected it, or it came to you, and you accepted it. And you continue to allow it space in your life. Whether it's your toaster that works OK except when the handle falls off and you burn your hands, or the vase from Aunt Agnes that reminds you of an unhappy family situation, or the desk that isn't quite big enough for the computer and all its extensions, each item around you has an effect on how you live every day.

In his book, The Beauty of Life written in 1880, William Morris wrote: "Have nothing in your houses which you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." We would add, "or love." With that in mind, look at every item in your life with fresh eyes. Do you know it's useful? Is it beautiful? Do you love it? If the answer to all three questions is "No!" - then it's time to get rid of it. In other words, LOVE IT OR LOSE IT. Undoubtedly there's someone else in the world who would love it, so send it on its way - you'll have less clutter, you'll be helping someone else --- and you can probably take a tax deduction for your good deed!

Love what nourishes your dreams and directions, lose what drains or distracts you. This principle will help you discover new focus and freedom, new simplicity and serenity, new energy and enlightenment in your day. As you let go of anything around you that drains your energy or joy, you can again discover that it is only by choosing what to let go of, that you know more clearly what to hold on to.

One client had a closet full of expensive clothes too small for her to wear - and no place to put the ones she was wearing. After years of feeling guilty for not losing the weight and not wearing the clothes, she decided to give them away. Now, several years later, her closet is functional again - and she's lost the weight - but her lifestyle has changed dramatically from the early days of the expensive clothes, and she wouldn't wear them if she had kept them!

One client even nicknamed the boost of extra energy he got when he finally cleaned out his clutter in his office which he and his spouse had been fighting about for years! He took the initials of the phrase, "Love It Or Lose It," and called his new feeling the LILI effect. So, plant a LILI in your life and let it bloom.

You'll be amazed at the results!

By Barbara Hemphill

Getting Organized - Getting Fit

In a speech entitled "Organized Living in a Disorganized World" I made the statement "Getting organized is much like exercise and healthy eating. It is something you incorporate into your daily living." Immediately one attendee sighed loudly and blurted out, "I'm doomed!" Many people feel the same way, but based on my own experience with incorporating exercise into my daily life style, I can offer new hope.

I have never enjoyed any kind of physical activity. In fact, it has always been a great source of embarrassment and frustration. I was born with crippled feet and as a child had to wear special (translation: ugly!) shoes. I did not run and play with other children, and when I graduated from college with honors, I had to go back to summer school to complete my physical education requirements about which I had procrastinated for four years because I kept praying I could escape the torture!

In 1994, I heard Dr. Stephen Covey make the statement, "Name one thing that if you did it consistently, it would improve the quality of your life." My response without hesitation (along with hundreds of other attendees!) was "Exercise!" At that moment it became clear to me that until I solved the problem of how to incorporate exercise into my life, I would never have the respect for myself that I needed to accomplish my life's goals. With my 50th birthday just around the corner, and based on my family heritage, the anticipation of living another 50 years, I had to find a solution.

So I turned to what I know -- getting organized. In my experience, there are five essential elements to successful organization: (1) a clear vision, (2) a positive attitude, (3) the right tools, (4) adequate time, and (5) regular maintenance. I became determined to apply these elements to the exercise habit.

My vision was to continually improve my physical condition -- as opposed to comparing myself with someone else's ability. Even the most disorganized person can become better organized if they apply our organizing process, and I was confident that I could apply the same process to exercise!

Up to this point, having the right tool was illusive. I tried a variety of equipment -- some of it very expensive, and none of it consistently successful. A big factor for me was finding something I could do in the privacy of my home -- the thought of paying to go to a health club was outrageous -- I wouldn't exercise in public if someone paid me! Another factor was my extensive travel schedule, which brought up the issue of portability and safety. Then I heard about a program developed by former professional football player Dave Hubbard ( - one I could do in my own bedroom - or hotel room.

As for finding the time, I was intrigued -- and relieved-- to hear Dave say that I could stay in shape in 10 minutes a day. So much for the excuse of not having enough time to exercise! I committed from that moment forward that I would spend 10 minutes six days a week to exercise. Dave commented that a major part of success was being committed to the 10 minutes - making it a habit, so in the beginning, sometimes all I did was watch the video for 10 minutes! One by one I added the exercises.

And finally, there was the issue of maintenance. With all the other factors in place, there was no excuse for not maintaining the program. It took me nearly a year to overcome my own resistance, but after five years, exercising is now a natural part of my routine. I vary the kind of exercise I do, and actually work out in a public facility weekly with a physical trainer now-- and I have never felt better.

If improving or maintaining your physical body is an issue for you, consider how organizing for exercising can make a difference -- whether you ride a bicycle, pull on ropes, walk on trails, or lift weights with a trainer.

And, by the way, the seminar participant I mentioned at the beginning -- she not only organized her office, but she has learned how to keep it that way! And, she tells me she has lost 30 pounds!

By Barbara Hemphill

Five Simple Tips to Get Organized Today!

Take time to declutter this summer...

Writing can certainly consume the better part of your day... Especially when you consider all the other responsibilities most of us take on each day.

Sometimes you can overlook the benefits of cleaning up your work area. If you're like me, you may put off rather mundane tasks like - reading and actually responding to email messages, sorting through snail mail, paying bills, going through files etc...

Although these tasks are definitely time-consuming and usually uninspiring, you may be surprised how much better you'll feel if you clean house!

Yes - you have to be determined to do it and you absolutely must set your mind into that "mode." But it is possible to "declutter" your workspace and start anew!

Start anywhere you choose and then set aside a few hours to totally complete one clean-up task.

For example:

Go through every single one of your email messages
Read it, respond to it, delete it. That's it! Sounds simple enough right? Just tell yourself you can do it and don't look back. The end result will be worth it - honest!

Review your files
Open files you have laying on your desk that you haven't touched in weeks or months. Determine their value and decide whether to keep them or pitch them. You may find information you actually need! And you can get rid of unimportant, outdated files. You'll also feel so much better having less paperwork cluttering your workspace.

Gather all of your notes
Make a pile of all those little post-it notes, scraps of paper, and other papers taking up space on your desk. Read each one and either add the information to a permanent file or throw it in the trash! Not only will you be more organized, you might actually know where to find what you're looking for in the future...

Read your snail mail
Compile all those envelopes, unopened letters and extra mailings sitting on your desk. Open the ones that are important. Find a home for them. Pay your bills... Make it a point to pitch the mail you'll never read or the letters you no longer need. You may be amazed at what you find in this pile!

Clean up your desk

Get rid of every little thing you do NOT need that is occupying precious space on your desktop. Rearrange the essential desktop items - like:

Your computer

Your phone

Your printer and/or fax machine

Necessary office supplies (pens, paper, stickynotes, calendar etc...)

Regardless of how much time these boring tasks require, you can rest assured that the resulting feeling of freedom and lack of "clutter" will be a welcome change.

By Danielle Hollister

3-Step Clean Sweep Program to Organize

3-Step Clean Sweep Program

1 - Purge
2 - Simplify
3 - Organize

Getting Started

Springtime is when many folks give their homes and offices a good cleaning. For every thing there is a season, and this is the season to get rid of the winter cobwebs. The hardest part of this project is deciding where to begin. The second hardest part is to get started. There is always more to do than time allows and thinking about it can be overwhelming. But, who says it all has to be done in the springtime? Choose what works best for you. Do one room a month or consider cleaning and organizing all the closets before you tackle drawers and shelves. You can establish the program and schedule the time. Remember, organizing is all about changing behaviors and making wise choices.

Before you jump up and dig right in, take time to plan the attack. Organize your thoughts first and then the action stage will be easier. For every hour expended in the planning stage, three to four hours are saved in the execution phase. Spending a little time to save a lot of time is very good advice. So let's begin to plan.

1. Plan it on paper - Make a list of target areas.

2. Divide and Conquer - Break down large areas into small tasks and determine the action steps necessary to complete each portion.

3. Supplies - Having the right tool for the job makes the task so much easier. Be sure to have ample supplies on hand-garbage bags, storage and recycling boxes, cleaning supplies, rags, step stool?

4. Schedule - Make an appointment with yourself to complete each bite-size area. By now, you are in the habit of scheduling 15-minute blocks of time to accomplish specific tasks. Make and keep those daily appointments with yourself to tackle the clean sweep chores. The process of scheduling converts wishful desires into a commitment.

Step 1 - Purge

Overabundance is a waster - a waster of time, money, space and energy. With too much stuff you waste time looking for what you want; you waste money for storage, maintaining, insuring?; you waste precious room for items seldom or never used; you waste energy just thinking about getting it all organized.

When you take the time to reduce the number of things you have (purge), you will automatically increase the available space for the things you truly love and use. Why would you try to find room in the closet for ten pairs of sneakers when actually you only wear the two newest pairs? For what reason are you keeping the extras? Are you making wise choices with what you actually store? A positive benefit of purging is the release of claustrophobic symptoms. That's right! When useless clutter piles up, you panic and take flight.

Instead of running, think attack mode. Take time to get rid of things that are broken, worn out, unused or unloved. No doubt, you will come across the obvious stuff to toss, but not everything needs to be relegated to the landfills. There are plenty of places to recycle useable items.

Letting go means increased space and less time searching through clutter. You may also find your budget receives a big boost now that you do not have to maintain, insure and store unused items. Selling items or giving as a donation will reap the benefit of increased cash or a tax deduction. Purging benefits! Remember that more than three of anything constitutes a collection and there are always strings attached-storing, cleaning, repairing, insuring and on and on. You can control clutter only when you have less of it. Vow to save only what you can manage.

Step 2 - Simplify

Life has become incredibly complicated. We have more choices regarding work, family, friends, education, self-development, homes, furniture, food, places to eat, hobbies, travel and on and on. In today's fast-paced world, there is too much to do, too many demands, an overload of information and way too little time. There are opportunities every day to make more commitments and with each new commitment, we lose some space - environmental, physical, emotion and mental space.

Simplicity does not mean living an austere and stark life. It means being aware of the illusions of necessities. Simplifying is a choice. You get to decide what simple living means to you. Basically, it means to add joy, fulfillment, passion and love to your existence while eliminating those things that drain you of time, money, space and energy. You can choose to appreciate people, places and things in your life. First purge, then simplify and the process of organizing will be much easier. There will be more breathing space.

You can control clutter only when you have less of it. Unfortunately, many of us find it easier to be buried in clutter than figure out a way to take care of it. Panic sets in when you look at all you have accumulated and wonder where to begin to clear the spaces. Recognizing the fact that you are held in bondage to your possessions will precipitate action to simplify. Let go and feel the freedom!

Step 3 - Organize

When you start the organizing process think retrieval, not storage. The ultimate goal is to be able to find what you want when you want it. Purge the excess, broken and useless stuff and then simplify the remaining items by letting go of the unnecessary. Spend a little time deciding what is truly important in your life. Avoid playing mind games with the belief that it may be useful someday. Beware of the words like someday, maybe, should, somewhere, somehow? Such thoughts only add more pressure to keep items that really add nothing to your life's purpose. Ask yourself when was the last time you used it and under what circumstances would you need it again. Remember this is all about choices!

Now you are ready to organize those things that you choose - things that are useful, beautiful and add joy to your life. Start with existing storage space first (closets, drawers, shelves). You will discover more room once you have purged the unwanted and simplified the clutter. Refrain from adding new storage areas. New or expanded storage units simply create more places to accumulate more clutter and ultimately disorganization.

A well-organized closet (as well as drawers, bookcases, desk, kitchen, office, car, garage?) saves time, money and effort. Why are you keeping so much? Think about the 80/20 rule - Pareto's Principle. Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) stated that 80% of work is accomplished by 20% of the people. He was a revolutionary thinker.

You can apply his principle to the clothes in your closets. Simply put, 80% of your clothes are rarely worn. In other words, 20% of the clothes in your closets are worn the majority of the time. So scrutinize the 80% for usefulness and begin the purging process. Deciding what to wear in the morning will be easier with an orderly closet of those frequently worn outfits.

This same idea can be useful when you inspect your files, kitchen cabinets, garden tools, office supplies and every aspect of your life - 20% of your stuff is used frequently, 80% rarely or never. Be willing to discern the importance of 80% of the stuff you have accumulated over the years. Purge the broken, unwanted, unloved and unnecessary. Recognize the important 20% and vow to maintain only those things that you love, that you use and that bring joy to your life.

Finally start the organizing project by gathering and storing objects in the places they are used. The result is that you can easily find what you want when you want it. Strive for 'one-motion' storage. When you open a cabinet, closet or drawer and reach in to retrieve something, you want to do it with one hand and without having to move things around. Avoid piling. A good rule is never stack more than three pieces.

Henry David Thoreau defined clutter when he said he would rather toss an object that was in his way than continually move it around just to dust. He knew what he wanted to do with his time -- wander the woods, write books and philosphize about life. What do you want to do with your time?

Judith Kirk provides hands-on and coaching in simplification and organizational mastery. She uses a holistic approach to teach life management skills and assures an immediate physical, emotional and psychological payoff when chaos and clutter are eliminated. The impact of simplifying and organizing renews the spirit and builds confidence. Order is the foundation upon which to build inner peace, contentment and joy in life.

Getting Organized For The New Year - Part 1

The following procedures will insure an organized and well run office.

1. Have a daily To Do sheet. This is made up at the end of the day. You might have items left over from the previous day, put those items first and work from there. If you make deposits on a daily basis, add them to the list. Plan to file at the end of the day or before/after lunch breaks. Doing this daily will avoid the "pile syndrome". This list should also include any marketing strategies you employ. This will insure you set time aside to implement them.

2. Have a weekly goal sheet that you review at the end of the work week and finish off any projects hanging, check supplies, make deposits, do invoicing, review the goals you set up in your business plan. This sheet will also include phone calls left to make, marketing or mailings you need to finish.

3. Your monthly goals and routines should include: making deposits, invoicing, bank statement reconciliation, mileage costs, copier costs, postage costs, and income and expenses for the month. Check your supplies and order, if necessary. Comparison of your income and expenses for the month will indicate whether or not you need to make any changes or adjustments to your marketing plan for the following month. Calendar any upcoming events. Make up new income and expense envelopes. Pull your tickle for the following month and place materials in the appropriate day. Make up your chron file for the month.

4. At six month intervals check on your competition. Are they increasing their prices? What kind of marketing are they employing? Are they offering new services?

5. Do one of the following things with each piece of paper that crosses your desk: act on it, read it, file it or toss it. Be sure you need it, before you file it.

6. Set up a mail system. Use different colored folders to categorize the mail you receive. For example, Red - you need to act on (write a letter, make a telephone call, etc.); Gray - for your information; Yellow - meetings, upcoming events; Green - minutes of other meetings, newsletters, reports, etc.; Black - flyers, advertising materials. Remember stamp the date received on all mail, and follow up as quickly as possible, if necessary. This system can be modified for those companies that do not receive a large volume of mail. This system will help staff members set up work priorities.

7. Make up a reading folder. Read or browse this material during lunch, breaks, during slow or off hours. Make up files with specific categories for those articles you want to keep as a reference. Check on these periodically (every 3 months) to see if the information is still up to date.

8. To cut down on filing and paper costs. Set up a chron filing system. A chron file contains any correspondence you have generated for a specific period of time. They are usually made up on a monthly basis. For example, label a file January Chron, and place any correspondence you generated for that month in the file. For most offices, this system avoids having to make up client files with one piece of paper in them. However, some offices keep an additional copy in the client file. Do this only if you have to.

Getting Organized For The New Year - Part 2

In part 1, we discussed a system you could use to organize your office. In this article we will discuss what material is needed to implement that system.

You will need the following items for your office system. Calendar/Daily Planner; Accordion File (1-31); Manila Files with the Months of the Year (Or you can make them up yourself - a lot less expensive); Hanging Files; Manila Files; Boxes and Envelopes (9 x 12).

The calendar/daily planner will contain all appointments, meetings and deadlines for project.

The accordion file dated 1-31, along with the Manila Files with the Months of the Year will contain materials you have tickled. The tickler file is a very popular system in legal offices. Any materials you need to act on by a certain date are tickled, usually one week in advance. It is also used for standardized meetings. For example, if staff meetings are conducted on Friday, place a Manila folder entitled Staff meeting in the Friday slot, and place any agenda items or meeting items in the folder. Remember to tickle it for the day before the meeting, if you need to make up the agenda, or give agenda items to someone else. This system is also excellent for gathering information for client meetings. This system will also serve to give you a clean desk, as you can place To Do items for the next day in your tickle file. It is also used to put in notes to yourself to follow up on certain items.

The hanging and manila folders are for your files. Boxes are for your records and files to be stored in at the end of the year.

The 9 x 12 Envelopes are used to hold your receipts, canceled checks, expenses and income sheets. You should label one envelope Income and place your income sheet in the file and note when any checks come in. Label one other envelope as Expenses and put in it all receipts for purchases, canceled checks, and any other expenses you generate. At the end of the month tally up the monthly totals. I place the month on the envelope and separate my expenses into categories, such as supplies, telephone, utilities, copying, postage, etc., put the total cost next to the category and then a final total. At the end of each month's tally, paper clip or staple that month's receipts together, place them back in the envelope and file for the following month. Since most self employed individuals pay estimated taxes every 3 month period, the envelopes will have 3 months on them, for example, October, November, December. Remember bundle each month's items separately. Seal the envelopes, file them, and then you are ready to calculate the amount to pay the IRS for the next estimated period.

In December of each year:

1. Box up last years files.

2. Make up new hanging files and manila folders for the new year. If you are need of a label program, Avery Pro for the laser is excellent. It is easy to use, you can import files from popular word processing programs and it has its own database manager, which will allow you to re-run these same files for the next year.

3. Enter all standard meetings in your calendar or planner for the coming year.

4. Put all your income, expenses and other records you need for tax preparation in one box. Run your spreadsheet program or financial program to see what your income and expenses came to for the year. Do up a budget for the coming year, a projections sheet to determine how many clients you need to increase profits, and cut any extraneous expenses.

The Five Ways To Ease The Process Of Eliminating Clutter

I recently had a conversation with a friend about clutter. She shared that at times there was so much clutter around her home that she simply concluded her home was in a stage that she referred to as CHAOS or Can't Have Anyone Over Soon. We talked further and what she has discovered is that when there is too much stuff in a space, clutter simply cannot be organized. Of course eliminating our belongings can be quite a challenge. Words like, "I may need that sometime" can quickly come to our mind and shut down the activity. Eliminating clutter is not necessarily an easy process if you haven't done it much in the past. What are the top ways to ease the process of eliminating clutter?

1. Identify Criteria (Or Rules Of Thumb) For Sorting Ahead Of Time
This will make the process more of a logical, step by step sorting process without getting emotions involved. Identify how much you want to eliminate -- reduce by 50%, 25% etc. Other criteria examples include if you don't love it or it has not been used in last 6 months, it goes. Things that are used at annual events such as New Year's or Halloween etc. may need some specific criteria for what stays and what goes.

2. Create The Uninterrupted Time To Do It
If you get distracted, you may hesitate and give up.

3. Remind Yourself Of Your Desired State
This is the environment you would rather have. If your vision for this goal isn't very strong, you may begin to feel overwhelmed. Simply recall your desired state and charge back at your clutter!

4. Know What You Are Going To Do With The Stuff That Goes Out
You may donate to a charity, host a garage sale, or take items for recycling. If you know what you will do with the things that you will get rid of, and you can see that someone else will benefit more from the item than you will, it can be much easier to let go.

5. Celebrate Your Success
Recognize that each small step is very much a personal success that deserves to be celebrated. By eliminating (or significantly reducing) the clutter, it can help you feel more positive and energized and that's definitely something worth celebrating.

By Donna P. Lendzyk

Organizing Your Day

One of the hardest things for most individuals working from home is to stay focused. One of the best ways to stay focused is organization. In addition, being organized will help your time management skills. The two are very much intertwined.

Planning out your day is very important. What you will do in the morning, afternoon/and or evening, depending on what hours you work is paramount.

Have a trigger that starts your day. For example, my trigger is I finish my morning walk. Once this is done, I make a cup of Java and to the office I go.

Once in the office, the computer goes on, along with the auxiliary equipment. I check my tickle file, my calendar for the day, and pull my To-Do file.

While I am looking at these items my mail program is working to check e-mail. I delete the junk and deal with the additional mail by answering it, or placing it in a folder to deal with later.

At this point depending on your business you should start dealing with the items in your tickle file and To Do List.

For those of you just starting to run a lease purchase business you should be doing the following:

Check your goals Check your calendar and tickler file Check your e-mail and answer If you need to, go through your newspapers and your other lists for sellers to call. Otherwise, do your call backs and set up appointments if appropriate Start calling - 1/2 hour from each list Send out follow-up information Enter calls in database Read in your area, both on and off line Visit on-line groups that relate to business Check e-mail and respond Do your To Do list for next day Add appointments to calendar

For those of you in the lease purchase business be sure to check your Step By Step the First Month in your manual. Remember it outlines what you need to do the first month. The above list will vary for you, if you need to drive neighborhoods, meet with sellers and/or tenant buyers, put up flyers, or speak at meetings.

For those of you running a business other than lease purchasing you can do many of the same things as those running a lease purchase business. The basics are still the same, it is just you are working them in another area. If you would like learn how to set up and operate a successful home based business, check out our Complete Home Based Business Manual at:

So, be sure you have a To Do List, a tickler file and a calendar. Have a trigger that starts your day. Put all you do on your calendar, and add in time for mishaps. If they don't occur, you'll have extra time. Split up your day to do your calling, letter writing, follow-up e-mails, mailings, meetings, and any additional things that occur for your particular business. Having a plan when to do what, and scheduling things when you feel more comfortable dealing with them, in effect, the best time for you to do them, will go a long way in making for a smoother work day.

And remember to utilize that wasted time. For instance, while mail is coming down or you are printing something take care of something else. For example if you are printing a large document, or e-mailing a long document, get your filing done, read a short article, put dates on your calendar. Make a quick phone call, check supplies, you get the idea. By managing your time better it will allow you to get it all done.

Have you ever wondered how some people work two jobs, do volunteer work, and take care of their home and children? I do, they know how to manage their time.

The Organized Move: Unpacking with a Plan

(This is the third in a series of three articles on "The Organized Move")

The moving truck is pulling in the driveway of your new home and soon you will be surrounded by all your stuff. You have dreamed about the additional have agonized over paint and furniture choices...and you have steadily purged the non-essentials among your belongings. Things will be different in this house! Everything will have a home, the spouse and kids will do their part to create order and the vow to ORGANIZATION has been made -- but before this vision can become a reality, you must unpack and set up your new home.

Highlighted below are simple tasks that you can do to make unpacking a snap and keep the clutter in check.

If possible give yourself a realistic time frame. Arrange well in advance for personal days or use vacation days from work. If you have young children send them to Grandma's or fly your mother-in-law for a few days. Delegate everyone's tasks and remind them this is not social visit, but a working one. (If it's your mother-in-law, let your spouse be the point person for that conversation!)

It is essential to give yourself this block of time so that things can get done properly and not be sentenced to garage limbo for 6 months. We have all witnessed this phenomenon, and in some cases the garage is not clear until the weather changes or in extreme cases the next move day.

Whether you are moving into new construction or an existing home, plan to get into the space early to do some light housekeeping. If budget permits arrange for a cleaning crew. Please remember this is not a thorough housecleaning, but a once-over for the bathrooms, kitchen and cabinets. If the carpets are in bad shape, you might consider having them professionally cleaned (although the move-in process may mess them up again).

Your moving day can be extremely chaotic, so make sure you have a small bag packed with your essentials -- basically an overnight bag. Medications, toiletries, sweatshirt, cell phone, and your first aid kit. It is very difficult to predict when those wardrobe boxes will be opened, so just be prepared for anything. If you are moving during the school year, keep backpacks and kid's school projects in a safe and accessible space.

Reveal your unpack schedule. All "essential" family members should have their own copy. "Essential" refers to family members that are of the appropriate age and physical capability to assist in the unpacking and I am sure that in a few homes only one unpack schedule will be needed. In this situation you should inquire about outside services for help.

The unpack schedule prioritizes the day and keeps things moving at a smooth pace. Bed setup and large furniture placement require immediate attention. Tape a simple diagram of the room to show placement for the movers and or family/friends; this will eliminate the constant back and forth. If possible place lamps, pictures, and boxes in the closets temporally for safekeeping. Closets should never be tackled on the moving day. Closets require your undivided attention and a proper mindset and the moving day is not conducive to either one.

The kitchen should be the next area of focus. If the kitchen is a main traffic area, hold off until the space is less traveled. If all is clear, tackle the necessary items first. For example you may want to run daily glassware, flatware, and dishes through a short cycle in the dishwasher. All serving and entertaining pieces will make do with the quick wipe of a clean towel. Place decorative pieces out of the way, this is not the time be arranging your collections. Now that all the boxes are open and you are waiting for the dishwasher to finish, think about your kitchen activities and position the equipment relative to these activity zones. These zones vary upon the type and size of kitchen. Store your frequently used kitchen equipment between knee and eye level. Make sure your kitchen works with the flow of your family's lifestyle.

In the common areas of the home, the furniture can be arranged with relative ease. The family media center may require a bit more time. If you have school age children, bribe them with few dollars and have them separate their videos and music from yours. Kids can also put all the pillows with the coordinating sofas and chairs. Open some of the family book boxes and have the kids fill the lower shelves.

Bedrooms can be done in tandem with the closets, so if your first night is spent in fully made bed -- congratulations!!. But realistically spend a day on each bedroom including the closet, it does not have to be the entire day, but finish one area completely before moving on to the next room.

The garage: This space is often forgotten, so put your best foot forward and spend a few hours when things inside are winding down and get the garage in order. Break down and recycle your used cardboard boxes and get them to the curb. There are some really inventive garage organizers out on the market. Invest in a couple that fit your budget and activities. If space permits, place a shoe organizer and hang a couple of hooks by the door. This is great for the overflow from the hall closets. Don't forget to look up for the additional storage. Hang your bikes during the off-season and large baskets for those rarely used, but must keep items.

The months of planning, packing, and unpacking are complete. So relax and relish in your accomplishment. Get out, meet the neighbors and show off your new and very organized home.

By Bridget Messino

Organizing Tips to Help You Conquer the Laundry Monster

Laundry. You sort, you wash, you fold, you blink - and the pile of dirty clothes has grown all over again. Laundry is a fact of life, but approaching the task in an organized way can make it more manageable.

Preparation is Half the Battle
If you have a large family (or lots of clothes!), sorting the laundry can be a daunting task all on its own. Sorting as you go not only ends the need for this part of the project, but also may encourage you to do laundry more often because it's all sorted and ready to go! Use a multi-compartmented hamper or several laundry baskets and as you throw in your dirty clothes just drop them in the appropriate section (even kids as young as pre-schoolers can learn to do this -- make it fun for them, give them a small reward (an extra 15 minutes of TV? staying up 10 minutes later?) each time they get everything in the right spot!)

Toss items that need dry cleaning into a special basket or bag as soon as you take it off. This way, when you are ready to go to the cleaners you can just grab them, rather than having to hunt for them in all the dirty laundry (ugh!)

Make a habit of always keeping a spare of laundry detergent, dryer sheets and whatever else you use regularly. That way you never have to drop everything and run to the store to complete your laundry (or use that as a reason to not complete the laundry...)

Put Away the Clean Clothes in a Flash!
Keep hangers and a folding hanging rack near the dryer. Save steps by putting hanging items directly on hangers rather than folding and toting them first. As you fold clean laundry, place items in baskets by person to simplify the process of putting it all away. Get everyone in on the act. Even small children can help put away some of their own clothes -- socks, underwear, etc. Older kids can put it all away. If you share the burden, it's not so overwhelming.

We know it's hard, but go through your drawers and closets and purge things that are never worn. Putting laundry away is much faster and more pleasant if you don't have to struggle to cram the clothes into an overstuffed space.

Set a side a small drawer or basket for socks that have lost their mate in the wash. Sooner or later the other sock will turn up and the pair can be put away with all the others.

Other Laundry Tips
Consider sprucing up and organizing the laundry area. A clean and well-organized space makes any task more enjoyable. Schedule set laundry days and stick to them. It's amazing how much more you can get done when you have a schedule.

Short of inventing disposable clothes, laundry is here to stay, but these tips should make it quicker and a little more manageable and you will never have a morning with nothing to wear.

By Bridget Messino

Memorabilia -- Use It or Lose It!

What do you do with those special items that have been passed down to you? Put them in the hall closet and hope the door will shut? Probably not a good choice for several reasons. First, you are unnecessarily creating clutter; second, if the item is very old and unstable, you will further the aging process; finally, and most importantly, what's the point of keeping these special items if the only time you enjoy them is when you move or get the bug to clean out a closet!

This summer my grandmother passed away and I was the recipient of many beautiful things, especially table linens. My grandmother enjoyed entertaining and her tables were always draped in an impeccable manner. As I started to sort through everything to see what I actually had, I found napkin-sized linens on which my grandmother had painted picnic scenes. They are so neat and I could not just stick them back in a closet for another 50 years.

But the dilemma was, what should I do with them? They were too precious to actually use as table linens, so I decided to have them framed to display in my daughter's room. I visited a local frame shop only to discover a vast range of options for preserving any and all types of mementos. For my project, the shop owner recommended conservation framing. The linens were very old and starting to discolor. The conservation frame process includes hand-stitching the fabric to a suede board, use of acid free mattes (very important because acid from papers and plastics can migrate onto your memento), and image perfect UV-filtering glass. The painted napkins turned out wonderfully and look great in my daughter's room. Now, every time I am in there making the bed or putting away laundry, I am reminded of my grandmother's big heart and gentle smile.

My Aunt Marcia has a particular knack for finding creative solutions for our family heirlooms. When my grandfather's health was failing, he always had a hand-stitched quilt over his shoulders for warmth. Family members had a very strong association between that quilt and my grandfather. After his death my aunt had the quilt taken apart and the pieces of fabric made into teddy bears for grandchildren and doilies for his daughters and daughters-in-law. In addition, a frame was presented to my dad containing his father's Bronze Star, the Executive Order, and the article from the newspaper, all arranged under glass using conservation techniques.

Many mementos are suitable for display, given the appropriate treatment. Things that may be considered include, but are not limited to: garments worn for a special occasion, a lone piece of china or silver, and special awards or medals. There are many conservation or preservation solutions available. Costs will vary depending on the size and detail of the project, but consider it a worthwhile investment in the preservation of a small piece of your family history. So run, don't walk, to your attic, closet or wherever you have hidden away a precious memento and find a way to put it on display now!

By Bridget Messino

Kids Clutter: Organizing at Every Age

Our children are probably the biggest clutter creators we have in our homes -- even more so than the dreaded paper flow. It starts out innocently, when we find out we are expecting; then the purchasing frenzy swings into high gear and does not let up until, well, let's just say many years down the road.

The clutter begins on the highly anticipated homecoming day when our countertops fill quickly with samples and instructions from the hospital. The bottles of formula, diapers, blankets and wipes all begin to take root on the counters and any and all other flat surfaces. You can kiss that nesting mode goodbye and say hello to survival mode!

Stage 1 Infant Organization

Obviously, organizing for an infant is the sole responsibility of the parent. The main areas for infant organization are:

the changing table

the diaper bag

The nursery's changing table is a great place to start with simple organizing techniques. Divide the shelves below the changing surface with baskets; fill one with diapers and wipes, one with crib bedding and blankets, one with onesies and socks, etc. Baskets are a great accessory for the nursery because they are portable, lightweight and decorative. They are also readily available everywhere from discount stores to high-end decorating stores.

Next, the diaper bag can be your best friend when stocked and organized properly. Take some time before your next outing and take inventory of your contents. Diaper bags today have all these great little dividers and compartments for storing all your stuff. Upon returning from your outing re-stock and refresh your bag, so you will be ready for the next time you go visiting.

Stage 2 Toddler-Preschool Organization

Organizing this active group can be a challenge, but there are several organizing exercises in which you can involve your child, including putting away:




The clear plastic containers that you can find all over these days are great kid-friendly storage solutions. Try labeling each one with a picture of its contents to make for easy cleanup for those little non-readers (store advertisements and catalogs are a great picture source, as well as printing pictures from internet sites).

Baskets are also great for storing their favorite books and videotapes, though you might want to store them out of reach to prevent them from constantly being dumped out on the floor! Little hands can manipulate a basket with much more confidence than a tightly stuffed bookshelf.

Lastly, designate an area in your home for the toys. It is important for your child to understand that their toys have a place and need to make their way back there before bedtime.

Stage 3 School Age Organization

By this time, your kids are busy with many of their own activities and all the required "stuff" that goes with it. As frustrating as it may be the tenth time you have to remind your child to put away their belongings or straighten up their shelves, do not give in to the temptation to just do it yourself. This is a critical time period for developing life-long habit and you will both gain from a little patience and consistency.

Encourage your children to keep a calendar of their activities and after school commitments. Display a master family calendar, so everyone is informed and no one is left ride-less or out of the loop.

Laundry at this stage of parenting can become quite an overwhelming task. Invest in basket-sorter hampers for the kids' laundry; your kids are quite capable at this age of sorting their dirty clothes by color. The pre-sort saves you time on laundry day.

Stage 4 High School and Beyond

Keep up the encouragement -- these young adults have a lot on their minds and schedules. This can be an extremely stressful time with the college applications, spring break plans, graduations, not to mention a full course load and endless extra-curricular activities. Good time management skills are critical to maintaining these over-extended calendars. Paired with time management skills, organizational skills will help create a smooth transition to whatever path your children choose (restocking the diaper bag now seems like a cinch, doesn't it?).

Rest assured that all your hard work building a good organizing foundation will remain with your children throughout their adult life. Who knows -- maybe they will win the lottery one day and know exactly where they filed their winning ticket because they were raised in a home that stressed organization, and to show their gratitude share the prize with mom and dad.

By Bridget Messino